On July 15 and 16, “Tenri Forum 2016: Pathways of Salvation” was held in South Right Wing 2 of the Oyasato-yakata building-complex, drawing a total of 206 English-speaking followers from 12 countries and regions.
The Oyasato Seminar, sponsored by Tenrikyo Overseas Department, was held once again this summer in Jiba. The Spanish Course, the Portuguese Course, and the Chinese Course, as well as English Courses I and III began on July 9 […]
As part of the 900th session of Shuyoka—the three-month Spiritual Development Course offered in the Home of the Parent—the English class, the Chinese class, and the Portuguese class were held from April 1 through June 27. In addition, the 901st session, which started on May 1 and ended on July…
From July 18 to 24, Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association organized its 9th International Hinokishin Corps, which is designed for association members of overseas chapters.