Today's Verse
In whatever matters, if the innermost heart of each of you is purified, there will be no danger. (XIII:82-83)
Spring Grand Service 2025

On January 26, the Spring Grand Service was conducted at Tenrikyo Church Headquarters with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. The Grand Service commemorates the day when Oyasama withdrew from physical life—namely, the lunar calendar date of January 26, 1887. In the Service prayer,…
Sechi Festival Draws 46,000 People to Home of the Parent

Church Headquarters held its traditional New Year’s event called the “Sechi Festival” at the Home of the Parent from January 5 to 7. The festival, which has continued from the days when Oyasama was physically present, attracted 45,689 people—including church groups and families—to the Home of the Parent over the…
2025 New Year’s Day Service

On January 1, the New Year’s Day Service for the 188th year of Teaching was solemnly performed in the Main Sanctuary with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama presiding as chief officiant. On New Year’s Eve, it was windy due to a winter atmospheric pressure pattern. In the early hours of New Year’s…
Season’s Greetings from the Shinbashira
Happy New Year! I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you for your devoted efforts in the work of single-hearted salvation last year in the lead-up to the anniversary of Oyasama. We have now entered the third year of the “three years, one thousand days” period…
December 2024 Monthly Service

The December Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary, with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. In the Service prayer, Rev. Nakayama said that, over this year, which marked the second year of the “three years,…
November 2024 Monthly Service

The November Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary, with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. In the Service prayer, Rev. Nakayama first expressed gratitude to God the Parent for warmly watching over us and instructing…