Today's Verse
Whatever tidings you may hear, rejoice all the world. They are the workings of Tsukihi. (XIII:3-4)
Season’s Greetings from the Shinbashira
Happy New Year! I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you for your devoted efforts in the work of single-hearted salvation last year in the lead-up to the anniversary of Oyasama. We have now entered the third year of the “three years, one thousand days” period…
December 2024 Monthly Service
The December Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary, with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. In the Service prayer, Rev. Nakayama said that, over this year, which marked the second year of the “three years,…
November 2024 Monthly Service
The November Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary, with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. In the Service prayer, Rev. Nakayama first expressed gratitude to God the Parent for warmly watching over us and instructing…
Disaster Relief Hinokishin Corps Dispatched to Ishikawa
In the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture, which still suffers from the effects of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Tenrikyo Disaster Relief Hinokishin Corps carried out relief activities in the city of Wajima from September 28 to October 17. With a total of 451 members mobilized, the corps worked primarily…
The New Bishop of Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in South Korea Installed
On October 9, Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in South Korea, located in Gimhae City, held a service to mark the installation of its 16th bishop, Rev. Masuhiko Yoshikawa, in the presence of Rev. Daisuke Nakayama and Mrs. Harue Nakayama, the Shinbashira’s wife. The event drew approximately 1,700 followers from various regions…