Hinokishin Day Observed in Many Parts of the World

The annual Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day was observed on April 29 in Japan and mostly on weekends before or after that day at various overseas locations under the theme: “Let us carry out hinokishin in unity of mind during this season for spiritual growth—Let us keep today’s high spirits to conduct a variety of hinokishin in our daily lives.”

The event is the culmination of daily hinokishin activities carried out by Yoboku and followers of the path. It allows them to savor the joy of being alive as they work together in unity of mind with other followers who live in the same region while strengthening their ties. As we are in the second year of the pre-anniversary activity period, each diocese and district put special efforts into inviting as many people as possible to participate in the Hinokishin Day to provide an opportunity to implement the teachings while helping one another become spirited.

In Japan, the event took place at approximately 1,200 locations including various historic sites, beaches, parks, and public facilities. At each venue, a representative read out a message from Director-in-Chief of Administrative Affairs Zensuke Nakata.

In the message, Rev. Nakata said that hinokishin is a spontaneous action to express one’s gratitude for the profound blessings of God the Parent and that the Hinokishin Day is the day for all Yoboku and followers to devote themselves to hinokishin together. He went on to say, “This will also be a great occasion for followers living in the same region to come together and spiritedly conduct hinokishin in unity of mind, thereby imparting the fragrance of the teachings to their community at large.”

Also, in order to encourage as many Yoboku as possible to join in the ongoing “three years, one thousand days” activities leading up to the 140th Anniversary of Oyasama, he touched upon “Action Day for All Yoboku,” which has been taking place in various locations, and said: “I hope that you will continue to take part in this event, encouraging and inspiring one another to take further steps along the path of spiritual growth. In addition, I hope that you reach out to those who have not yet been able to join the event and encourage their participation.”

He concluded his message by saying, “Let us undertake hinokishin today in unity of mind so that our attitude of mutual help grounded in universal brotherhood will be reflected in local communities, thus expanding the circle of the Joyous Life starting from where we are.”

Participants living in the same region worked together in hinokishin to make repayment for the blessings of God while helping and encouraging one another.

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