Hinokishin Day Observed in Many Parts of the World

The annual Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day was observed on April 29 in Japan and mostly on weekends before or after that day at various overseas locations under the theme: “Let us carry out hinokishin in unity of mind during this season for spiritual growth—Let us keep today’s high spirits to conduct…

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Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day Observed

The annual Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day, which is the culmination of all daily hinokishin activities carried out by Yoboku and followers of the path, was held on April 29 under the slogan “Let us come together with a sense of gratitude and carry out hinokishin in unity of mind” at 1,400…

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Annual Hinokishin Day Observed across the World

Under the slogan “Letʼs convey a sense of gratitude and expand the circle of joy,” this yearʼs Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day was observed at various locations throughout Japan as well as in 31 overseas countries and regions on or around April 29. Expressing their gratitude for being kept alive by the…

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Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day Observed

Under the new slogan “Letʼs convey a sense of gratitude and expand the circle of joy,” this yearʼs Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day was observed at a large number of locations throughout Japan on April 29, which is a national holiday called “Greenery Day,” as well as at scores of locations in…

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Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day Observed

Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day was observed across Japan on April 29, as well as at scores of locations in overseas countries and regions, mostly on weekends in April and May. The theme for this year was: “Taking advantage of this seasonable time, let’s sow seeds of sincerity.” In preparation for the…

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