June 2016 Monthly Service

The June Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The Service began with the Shinbashira’s reading of the Service prayer, in which he offered gratitude for God the Parent’s loving care not only in having…

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Church Headquarters Announces New Personnel

Heads of Bureaus and Departments Heads of bureaus and departments and chiefs of sections were appointed on March 26 as follows: Office of the Shinbashira Head Tadao Tosa, Ritual Affairs Bureau Head Motoo Matsuda, Oyasato-yakata Management Bureau Head Tokiro Iwasa, Finance Bureau Head Hiroyoshi Shimamura, and Security Bureau Head Itaro…

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Oyasama 130th Anniversary Service Conducted

On January 26, the Oyasama 130th Anniversary Service—commemorating the 130th year since Oyasama withdrew from physical life on the lunar calendar date of January 26, 1887—was solemnly performed in the Main Sanctuary of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. In preparation for the anniversary, the Tenrikyo…

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New Year’s Day Service Performed

On January 1, the New Year’s Day Service for the 179th year of the Teaching (2016) was duly performed at 5:00 a.m. at the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The followers who gathered at the Main Sanctuary before daybreak to attend the first Service of the…

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