June 2016 Monthly Service

The June Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The Service began with the Shinbashira’s reading of the Service prayer, in which he offered gratitude for God the Parent’s loving care not only in having…

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April Monthly Service Performed

On April 26, the Monthly Service was conducted at the Main Sanctuary of Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. Shortly before 9:00 a.m., the Shinbashira and other Service performers left the Staff Quarters to pay their respects at the Foundress’ Sanctuary and the Memorial Hall before proceeding…

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December Monthly Service 2015 Performed

The last monthly service of the year 2015 was conducted at Tenrikyo Church Headquarters on December 26, with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The Home of the Parent was unusually warm and was blessed with a calm, clear winter sky. In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira mentioned that the…

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September 2015 Monthly Service

The September Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The Shinbashira began the Service prayer by expressing gratitude for the boundless blessings through which God the Parent constantly watches over us and guides us to…

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August 2015 Monthly Service

Tenrikyo Church Headquarters conducted the August Monthly Service on the 26th at the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira expressed his deep gratitude for God the Parent’s unlimited blessings and warm parental love through which God continues to guide us along…

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