August 2018 Monthly Service

The August Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary. On behalf of the Shinbashira, Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama served as chief officiant today. In the Service prayer, he said, “We Service performers as well as church head ministers and other Yoboku intend to…

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Oyasato Seminar 2018

This year’s Oyasato Seminar―a summer program that teaches high-school-age participants from overseas countries about the Tenrikyo faith―began on July 10 for English Course I, English Course III, the Portuguese Course, and the Chinese Course, drawing a total of 65 participants from six countries and regions including Australia, Brazil, Hawaii, New…

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Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba 2018 Begins

The Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba 2018, sponsored by Church Headquarters, began on the afternoon of July 26 under the theme “Gratitude! In joy we are united, to the Home of the Parent!” Despite the severe heat, many children, who have returned to Jiba from various parts of the world, savor…

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