to worry (Of); to be anxious (Of)
- その頃、教祖は、「もう一度こわい所へ行く。 案じな。」と、仰せられて居た。About this time, Oyasama said: Once again I shall go to a fearful place, but you need not worry about it (The Life of Oyasama, p. 98).
- にんけんのわが子をもうもをなぢ事 こわきあふなきみちをあんぢる 七 9 Just as you humans worry about your children, I worry over your dreadful and dangerous path (Ofudesaki VII:9).
- これからハをやのゆう事しいかりと しよちしてくれあんぢないぞや 十五 9 From now on, please be firmly convinced of the words of the Parent. There is no need to worry (Ofudesaki XV:9).
- とん/\ととびてる事をみたとても 心あんちハするやないぞや 十二 56 Though you may see Me rush out by leaps and bounds, never be anxious of mind (Ofudesaki XII:56).
- これは誰の言葉と思うやない。二十年以前にかくれた者やで。なれど、日々働いて居る。案じる事要らんで。勇んで掛かれば十分働く。Do not wonder whose words these are. It is the one who hid Herself twenty years ago. But I am working every day. There is no need to be anxious. If you undertake your work in high spirits, I shall work for you completely. (An Anthology of Osashizu Translations, pp. 424-425)
- この場合、身上の患いも事情も親神のなさること故、案じてはいけない。The message, again, is that humans should not worry even about illnesses and other troubles since they are also God’s actions (A Glossary of Tenrikyo Terms, p. 479).
- 「案じ心」を捨てて「神にもたれる心」を定めることが、信仰者の根本だと言えるでしょう。This verse presents the basic stance for every follower: letting go of “the mind that entertains worries” and embracing “the mind that single-heartedly leans on God” (Words of the Path, p. 117).
- これは、明治二十年一月、敎祖のお身上が迫るという、まことに厳しい事態に現してまで、尚もつとめの実行を急き込まれる親神様と、官憲による厳しい取り締まりのなか、教祖のお身上を案じ、つとめの実行をためらわれる初代真柱様との間に交わされた一連の問答の中のお言葉であります。These words were delivered in January 1887 in the dialogue between God the Parent, who was hastening the performance of the Service even by going to the extent of giving people an urgent situation such as Oyasama’s critical condition, and the first Shinbashira, who was hesitating the performance of the Service out of his concern about Oyasama’s physical condition.
- 人聞が先案じをし親を疑って通るところには、一層「迷い」「案じ」「疑う」迷路に踏み迷う結果となるものである。Worrying about the future and doubting the Parent will only result in our becoming even more entangled in a maze of confusion, worry, and doubt. (Mind That Attracts Happiness, p. 21)
- 家族の絆の弱まりが案じられる現代でありますが、…… We are in a day and age where the weakening ties among members of families are a concern.
- 私たちには、教祖のひながたという救ける筋道、救かる筋道があるのですから、先案じせずに、素直におたすけを実践してほしいと思います。We have the path of Oyasama’s Divine Model that leads to salvation. I sincerely hope that you will straightforwardly implement salvation work without hesitation.