Ameazuke-no-tsutome 雨あずけのつとめ

Service for Cessation of Rain (L)

  • 農事に関するおつとめとして、「肥」「萌え出」「虫払い」「雨乞い」「雨あずけ」「みのり」の六通りが教えられているということは、それだけ、農事に寄せられる思召が大きいということであろう。The fact that six of these eleven different Services are concerned with agriculture—Fertilizer, Germination, Insect Pests, Rain, Cessation of Rain, and Harvest—indicates the importance attached to agriculture” (Tracing the Model Path, pp. 179–180).

  • かんろだいのつとめの手は、よろづたすけの場合と、願に相應しく、をびや、ほふそ、一子、跛、肥、萠え出、虫拂い、雨乞、雨あずけ、みのり、むほんの場合と、合計十二通りを教えられ、身は健やかに齢永く、稔り豊かに家業榮え、世界が平和に治まるよう、何缺ける事のない陽氣ぐらしを引き受けられた。In addition to the Service for Universal Salvation, God the Parent taught the hand movements for other kinds of Kanrodai Services to answer specific prayers. These are: Safe Childbirth, Smallpox, A Child, Cripples, Fertilizer, Germination, Insect Pests, Rain, Cessation of Rain, Harvest, and Rebellion. There were, including the Service for Universal Salvation, twelve Kanrodai Services taught by God the Parent, assuring good health, long life, rich harvests, prosperity, and lasting peace—thus nothing was left undone in assuring the Joyous Life” (The Life of Oyasama, pp. 138–139).
  • 豊かな稔りを得るためには、苗の発育もさることながら、天候のよしあし、なかでも降雨の影響が大きい。「雨乞い」と「雨あずけ」のつとめは、⋯⋯ A rich harvest required the seedlings’ healthy growth, which was heavily affected by weather conditions, particularly rainfall, which is why the Service for Rain and the Service for the Cessation of Rain were taught (Tracing the Model Path, p. 179).
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