New Appointments Announced for Tenrikyo Overseas Department

Tenrikyo Church Headquarters has announced a number of personnel changes, some of which are related to the Overseas Department. Rev. Masaharu Matsuda, who was appointed to the position of Honbu-in (Church Headquarters executive official) on April 18, has been made a vice head of the department. He continues to serve as chief of Translation Section as well.

Rev. Hinao Nagao, who continues to serve as the other vice head of the department, has been appointed to serve as chief of North America and Oceania Section after formerly heading Asia I Section in his concurrent role. Rev. Hideyuki Kimura, who formerly served at Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in Brazil as secretary and subsequently at Public Relations Section, has been made chief of Latin America Section. Rev. Toshiyuki Nakagawa, who worked at Translation Section, has been made chief of Asia I Section.

Rev. Kaoru Murata, former chief of Latin America Section, has been appointed to serve at Staff Quarters Section of Religious Affairs Bureau as he prepares to leave for his new post at Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in Brazil, while Rev. Akihiko Nishimura, former chief of North America and Oceania Section, has been appointed as the head of Tenrikyo Oceania Centre. Details of when they will take up their new posts have not yet been released.

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