New Year’s Greetings from the Shinbashira

May I extend my warmest New Year’s greetings to all of you. I trust that you have been able to welcome in the New Year in bright spirits. I also want to express my sincere gratitude for the efforts you devoted to the tasks of the path during the past year. Now that we have ushered in a brand-new year, let all of us commit ourselves to taking further steps on the path of single-hearted salvation in high spirits.

Today, the weakening of family ties is causing various kinds of troubles to families. It has become a serious problem that may shake the foundation of our society. We followers of the path are taught by God the Parent and Oyasama how the relationship between husband and wife as well as between parents and children should be. It is important, therefore, for us to show people around us a joyous family togetherness befitting the path, where people help one another in unity of mind.

Let all of us find joy at all times in our daily efforts to implement the teachings, while seeking to impart the joy of faith to as many people as we can so as to be able to take further steps toward the realization of the Joyous Life that is in full accordance with the intention of God the Parent.

New Year’s Day

Zenji Nakayama
The Shinbashira

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