Tenrikyo Hawaii Convention 2011

As a sequel to Tenri Forum 2006, which was held at the Home of the Parent, we propose to hold a grand gathering for English-speaking members of the Tenrikyo community to discuss and make steps toward implementing new regional activities for our Joyous Life mission. Sponsored by:    Tenrikyo Hawaii Convention…

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Tenrikyo Associations Announce Their Guidelines and Plans for 2011

Young Men’s Association On January 25, Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association held its first meeting of the year at the association headquarters. At the meeting, Association Chairman Masanao Nakayama, who was installed last October, first referred to the new activity guidelines: “Develop faith and spread the teachings in single-heartedness with God.”…

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Lay Minister Preparatory Course Starts

The Education and Nurture Department last month launched a new course replacing the former Head Minister Qualification Course One. Called “Lay Minister Preparatory Course,” it consists of three five-day sessions, which if attended consecutively take 15 days to complete but which can be spread out over a longer period of…

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About 70,000 Followers Rededicate Themselves to the Divine Intention

On January 26, the Spring Grand Service commemorating the day when Oyasama stepped out to level the ground throughout the world out of Her parental heart that urges human beings, Her children, to grow spiritually was performed in the Main Sanctuary at Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira Zenji Nakayama presiding as chief officiant. […]

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The Shinbashira Delivers New Year’s Address

The New Year’s meeting of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted in the Assembly Hall following the evening service on January 4. Attending this meeting, at which the Shinbashira delivered his New Year’s Address, were 707 officials of Church Headquarters, head ministers of directly supervised churches, superintendents of dioceses, members of…

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