Head Ministers Seminar in Oyasato Held

Between June 27 and 29, the Head Ministers Seminar in Oyasato was held at the Oyasato-yakata’s South Right Wing 2, drawing a total of 338 participants (211 head ministers and 127 spouses). The seminar is intended for those with three to five years of experience in serving as head ministers…

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May Monthly Service Duly Conducted

The May Monthly Service was conducted on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The Home of the Parent was blessed with clear skies on that day. Many of the worshipers were wearing masks as a precautionary measure to prevent…

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Spring Grand Service Draws 80,000 People

On January 26, the Spring Grand Service commemorating the day when Oyasama withdrew from physical life on the lunar calendar date of January 26, 1887, was solemnly performed in the Main Sanctuary at Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. A total of 80,000 followers returned to Jiba…

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