Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in America Marks Its 90th Anniversary

On June 30, Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in America, located in Los Angeles, California, conducted the service commemorating its 90th anniversary in the presence of Rev. Daisuke Nakayama—who attended on behalf of the Shinbashira—and Mrs. Harue Nakayama. The service drew some 700 Yoboku and followers from various parts of the United States and Canada. Taking to heart the Shinbashira’s message, delivered by Rev. Nakayama, and giving thought to the early followers and predecessors who had devoted themselves to the mission in North America, the participants pledged themselves to work toward the further growth of the path in the region.

The preparations for the 90th anniversary had formally begun amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, those involved were able to carry out the activities for the 90th anniversary, guided by their slogan and goals for spiritual maturity.

Bishop Hiroshi Alexander Fukaya began the proceedings by offering a service prayer in English and Japanese, expressing his gratitude for God the Parent’s blessings and Oyasama’s warm parental love, which have guided the mission headquarters since its founding. He then said: “Today, we will receive the Shinbashira’s message, as read by Rev. Daisuke Nakayama, and we will settle the Shinbashira’s intention into our hearts. Toward the upcoming 140th Anniversary of Oyasama, we pledge, on this day, that each of us will walk on the path of spiritual growth.”

Following the prayer, Rev. Daisuke Nakayama took the podium to read the Shinbashira’s message aloud. In his message, the Shinbashira first touched upon the great hardships and difficulties that early followers of the path in North America had gone through, relying on God the Parent and Oyasama with the Divine Model as their dependable guide.

He then said: “Reflecting upon this historical fact, I want to take this opportunity . . . to express my heartfelt gratitude and profound respect to your predecessors who have gone through the era by dedicating their sincerity to the path in North America.”

Next, the Shinbashira explained the two indispensable roles that a mission headquarters is meant to fulfill, saying: “The mission entrusted to the mission headquarters is to serve as a model of the Joyous Life in the local community and as a center for spreading the teachings in the region. The other significance of a mission headquarters is to play a core role in providing care and guidance to the Tenrikyo community in the region where it is located.”

Then he reminded the listeners of the appropriate stance of the mind they should have as they move toward the 140th Anniversary of Oyasama, saying: “Only when we follow the path of the Divine Model can our spiritual growth be achieved. God teaches us that other than this, there is no way to achieve the goal. . . . During this special period, we focus on increasing the time spent pondering over Oyasama’s parental love embodied in Her Divine Model and make repeated efforts to implement the teachings so that we can bring our mind into accord with the divine intention.”

In concluding the message, the Shinbashira said, “I would like to once again express my hope that you will carry on the spirit of your predecessors who devoted their sincere efforts to the path in North America and continue to make progress together in high spirits.”

The seated service was then joyously performed with Rev. Daisuke Nakayama and Mrs. Harue Nakayama as the core. This was followed by the Dance with Hand Movements, while the congregation joined in singing the Mikagura-uta in high spirits. The service concluded with a speech by Bishop Fukaya.

After the service, a commemorative reception was held in the outdoor areas of the mission headquarters with a variety of performances, including bugaku (traditional Japanese court dance), fife and drum music, and wadaiko (Japanese drumming), among others.

America Chapters of Young Men’s Association and Women’s Association Hold Joint Convention
On June 29, the day before the 90th anniversary of the mission headquarters, the America Chapters of the Young Men’s Association and the Women’s Association held their 70th anniversary joint convention in the presence of Rev. Daisuke Nakayama, who serves as the Young Men’s Association president, and Mrs. Harue Nakayama, the Women’s Association president. Approximately 300 people from all over North America attended the convention.

Rev. Nakayama delivered his address in English. Referring to the Young Men’s Association guidelines, he explained the importance of waiting when our minds become muddy and of responding to the situation with an act of sincerity instead of ending up accumulating the dust of the mind.

Next, Mrs. Nakayama addressed the convention. She said: “It is of paramount importance for us to teach those to whom we convey the teachings that merely having faith as an individual is insufficient for someone who has been taught the truth of origin. It is essential for us to impress upon them the significance of conveying the teachings to their families, including children and grandchildren, and to as many people as possible.”

In response to these addresses, Chairman Ryo Wong and Chairwoman Hiromi Fukaya of their respective chapters made their pledges on behalf of the participants.

After the convention, a panel presentation was held to commemorate the occasion. Following the evening service, the “Family Fun Festival” took place in a joyous atmosphere, reflecting the 90th anniversary slogan, “Share our joy of faith with our family, friends, and communities!

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