Tenrikyo Teachers Meeting Held

The 43rd Tenrikyo Teachers Meeting was held in the Home of the Parent on August 7 and 8. This meeting was attended by about 600 people including teachers, former teachers, and others concerned with education. The theme this year was “Aiming at education that nurtures minds.”

On the first day, after the opening address by Mission Department Head Kazuo Nagao, a lecture was delivered by Mr. Takayoshi Hibi, president of a corporation as well as a Tenrikyo minister. He pointed out that, in most cases, the cause of juvenile delinquency these days could be attributed to parents. In present-day Japan, he said, people have become materially wealthy, whereas the spirit of husband and wife helping each other has been lost. This has resulted in various problems among children.

This lecture was followed by such activities as teaching experience speeches given by the participants and an informal gathering for discussion.

On the second day, a lecture was given by Director-in-Chief of Administrative Affairs Masahiko Iburi. Comparing urban areas in Japan at present and Calcutta, India, where he visited about 30 years ago, he first pointed out that, in Calcutta, there were many people who lived on the streets because of poverty, which gave rise to theft and prostitution daily. On the other hand, he continued, in Japan at present, theft and prostitution have become common because of excessive material wealth. He further pointed out that salvation in Tenrikyo means saving all people throughout the world and true salvation should include the salvation of the mind. What is important is how we control and nurture our minds so that they might be filled with joy.

This lecture was followed by another lecture, questions and answers, and group discussions.

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