Intended for followers between the ages of 20 and 40, the Seminar for Successors, sponsored by Church Headquarters, was held from last August to late March this year in 25 sessions in Japan. Using the same material as the seminar in Japan—although tailored to reflect local needs—the Overseas Seminar for Successors was held under the sponsorship of the Overseas Department between last September and this September with the last session offered on the 16th in the Congo. Altogether, the overseas seminar was attended by 1,456 participants at a total of 30 venues in 28 countries and regions. The overseas seminar was held at mission headquarters, mission centers, and other Tenrikyo facilities.
Thirty-Four Participants at the Congo Venue
On September 16, the final session of the Overseas Seminar for Successors was held at Congo Brazzaville Church. There were 34 participants between the ages of 17 and 40. Following the opening ceremony, three lectures were delivered with group discussions following each lecture. The third lecture was given by Honbu-in Hisataro Takai, who lived in the Congo during his childhood.