The Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba 2018, sponsored by Church Headquarters, began on the afternoon of July 26 under the theme “Gratitude! In joy we are united, to the Home of the Parent!”
Despite the severe heat, many children, who have returned to Jiba from various parts of the world, savor joy and cultivate a sense of gratitude through participating in “educational and training activities” and “entertainment activities,” thereby receiving the “treasure of mind” that will allow them to grow into fine Yoboku in the future.
Every day after the evening service at the Main Sanctuary, the Oyasato Parade, which is in its 40th year, is held.
The Home of the Parent is now full of children’s beaming smiles.
- The Oyasato Parade on the opening day (July 26)
- Children wiping the Corridor in high spirits (July 26)
- The “Oyasato-yakata lecture” (July 26)
- Members of the Boys and Girls Hinokishin Corps serving ice-cold tea