Tenrikyo Prepares to Provide Shelter for 3,000 Evacuees

According to information collected by Japan’s National Police Agency, more than 260,000 evacuees are presently living in shelters, including 44,000 in Iwate Prefecture, 108,000 in Miyagi Prefecture, and 83,000 in Fukushima Prefecture. Shelters have also been set up in 13 other prefectures to accommodate the growing number of displaced persons who are evacuating the hardest-hit prefectures of Miyagi and Fukushima. (as of March 22)

Given the severity of the situation, Tenrikyo Disaster Relief Headquarters set up an office to make arrangements for providing shelter for 3,000 evacuees in Church Headquarters’ facilities and followers dormitories in the Home of the Parent. The evacuees—who need not be Tenrikyo followers—will be provided with free accommodation and meals through the end of September. These arrangements are being made in coordination with the government authorities of Nara Prefecture and Tenri City, and families with children in elementary or junior high school will be able to enroll their children in Tenri City’s public schools.

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