First Overseas O-Uta Concert Held in Taiwan

On April 3, the first O-Uta Concert to be given overseas took place in Taipei, Taiwan, with the presence of the former Shinbashira. Under the sponsorship of Taiwan Japan Research Association, the concert was held at the renowned National Concert Hall in the Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center and featured 190…

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OYASAMA BIRTH CELEBRATION SERVICE: 70,000 Followers Celebrate Oyasama’s 207th Birthday

On April 18, Tenrikyo Church Headquarters conducted the Oyasama Birth Celebration Service to commemorate the 207th birthday of the everliving Oyasama, our beloved Parent who guides us toward the Joyous Life for all humankind. To celebrate this festive occasion, great numbers of followers returned to the Home of the Parent…

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General Plan for Commemorative Activities Announced

At the January 26 meeting of the Kanamekai (association comprising the head ministers of all directly supervised churches), Honbu-in Motoo Matsuda, chairman of the Oyasama 120th Anniversary Commemorative Activities Planning Committee, announced a general plan for the activities to be held in the Home of the Parent next year. The…

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Training Course Draws 526 College Students

Tenrikyo Church Headquarters sponsored the College Division of the Students Training Course from March 3 through 9 at the Home of the Parent, drawing 526 university, junior college, and technical school students (299 males and 227 females) from all over the country. The weeklong training course provides participants with opportunities…

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February Monthly Service Performed

The February Monthly Service took place in the Main Sanctuary on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding. The day was cold, the weather being cloudy with snowflakes falling now and then, though the red blossoms on a plum tree near the Foundress’ Sanctuary heralded the coming of spring. The Shinbashira…

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