The Shinbashira Delivers New Year’s Address

The New Year’s meeting of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted in the Assembly Hall following the evening service on January 4. Attending this meeting, at which the Shinbashira delivered his New Year’s address, were 664 officials of Church Headquarters, head ministers of directly supervised churches, superintendents of dioceses, members of…

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100th Anniversary of Sectarian Independence

This year marks the 100th year since Tenrikyo achieved sectarian independence. In 1899, with the first Shinbashira Shinnosuke Nakayama as its core, Tenrikyo began putting serious efforts into attaining independence from the Shinto Central Bureau. After filing a petition for sectarian independence with the Home Ministry for the fifth time,…

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September Monthly Service Performed

The September Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted in the Main Sanctuary on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. As it had been raining since early morning, the worshipers made their way to the Sanctuaries under the cover of umbrellas. During the Service, the hills…

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August Monthly Service Performed

Tenrikyo Church Headquarters conducted its August Monthly Service on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding. In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira first expressed his gratitude for God the Parent’s daily blessings. He then said: “We Service performers as well as church head ministers and Yoboku will…

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