Cancer Shrinks in the Face of Gratitude

This is a translation of an article written by Shigeo Okazaki, former head minister of Motowanishi Branch Church, for Tenri Jiho newspaper’s column entitled “The Ofudesaki, My Companion along the Way.” If only the mind is purified completely, there will be nothing but delight in everything. Ofudesaki XIV:50 Tenrikyo is…

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Oyasato Seminar Held in Four Languages

The 2002 Oyasato Seminar began on July 10 with 68 participants from eight countries. This program was initially launched in the summer of 1984 to provide instruction in English on the teachings of Oyasama for children of church head ministers and fellowship heads in the United States and Canada that…

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July Monthly Service Joyously Performed

The July Monthly Service of Church Headquarters was joyously performed on the 26th at the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding. Under the blue summer sky that signaled the end of the rainy season, the surrounding precincts of Church Headquarters were filled with great numbers of followers, including many children…

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2002 Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba Held

The Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba was held between July 26 and August 4 under the theme “Let’s do hinokishin (selfless and thankful action) and fill the Home of the Parent with joy.” During this 10-day period, more than 281,000 children and adult leaders including some 925 from 21 overseas countries…

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