Members Pledge to Implement Commitments in Final Year before the 100th Anniversary The Women’s Association held its 91st annual convention on April 19, with the Inner Courtyard of Church Headquarters serving as the main venue. The convention comes as the association gears up for the 100th anniversary of its founding,…

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April Monthly Service Joyously Performed

The April Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was solemnly conducted on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The day was rather cold in the Home of the Parent with occasional gusts of wind blowing from early morning. At 9:00 A.M. the Shinbashira and other Service performers…

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International Cultural Seminar Calls on Pioneers of the Path to Improve Their Own Qualities

Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association Headquarters held the 22nd International Cultural Seminar on the afternoon of April 26 at Moya 38, with the participation of 235 people. This seminar aims to heighten association members’ awareness of the overseas mission and encourage directly supervised chapters to conduct more activities related to the…

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Social Welfare Convention Highlights Developing Human Resources and Helping Others

The Social Welfare Section of Tenrikyo Mission Department sponsored the second Social Welfare Convention on April 25 at Tenri University, drawing 587 people from 17 Tenrikyo federations, committees, and institutes that are involved with social welfare. The event comes as Tenrikyo prepares for next year’s 100th anniversary of the start…

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Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day Observed

This year’s Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day was observed at 1,440 locations throughout Japan on April 29, which is a national holiday called “Greenery Day,” as well as at scores of locations in overseas countries, mostly on weekends in April and May. While hinokishin refers to daily actions that express one’s gratitude…

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80,000 Attend Oyasama Birth Celebration Service

Some 80,000 followers, including many from overseas, converged on the Home of the Parent in the city of Tenri on April 18 to celebrate the 211th birthday of the everliving Oyasama, adored as “our beloved Parent,” who is guiding all humankind to the realization of the Joyous Life, the goal…

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