2001 Oyasato Seminar Begins

The 2001 Oyasato Seminar began on July 10 with 66 students from five countries. This seminar was initially launched in the summer of 1984 to provide instruction in English on the teachings of Oyasama for children of church head ministers and fellowship heads in the United States and Canada that…

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Mission Headquarters of Hawaii and Mission Headquarters in America: Installation Services for New Bishops Conducted

The installation services for the new bishops of Mission Headquarters of Hawaii and Mission Headquarters in America were conducted this month with the presence of Overseas Department Head Yoshiaki Mihama, as well as Overseas Department Vice Head Hiroaki Yamazawa, who is in charge of the North America and Oceania Section.…

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Athletic Meet for People with Physical Disabilities

A total of 244 people participated in the Athletic Meet for People with Physical Disabilities on May 27 held at the gymnasium of Tenri Elementary School. This year, in addition to the staff members of Social Welfare Section of Tenrikyo Mission Department, the students from Shiraume Dormitory (a dormitory for…

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Pilgrimage Groups Arrive in Jiba

With the “second year of implementation” approaching its half way point, the Home of the Parent continues to serve as the venue for the Head Ministers Seminar in Oyasato. To take advantage of this season to make further strides forward, a number of directly supervised churches organized group pilgrimages to…

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May Monthly Service Performed

Attended by large numbers of followers, the May Monthly Service of Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th at the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The Service commenced shortly after nine o’clock, when the Shinbashira and other Service performers filed into the Main Sanctuary, after having…

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Impressions of Shuyoka English Class

The following are impressions of Shuyoka which were contributed by the instructors and the students of this year’s English class of Shuyoka. Rev. Ikuo Higashibaba In Shuyoka, together with the students, I explored the truth taught by God the Parent. It was a very rewarding adventure. I thank Rev. Ichise…

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