The Shinbashira Visits Osaka Diocese

Honored by the presence of the Shinbashira, the Osaka Diocese performed the service on April 9 to commemorate its founding anniversary, drawing about 2,500 followers, including the diocese’s officials, church head ministers, and Yoboku (“timber” for constructing the Joyous Life). Following the service, the diocese also held a ceremony in…

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Dr. Martin Kraatz Speaks on Religions Today

On March 25 Tenri University sponsored a meeting that featured a lecture by Dr. Martin Kraatz, the former director of the Museum of Religions at Philipps University of Marburg. His lecture was titled “The Role of Religions Today: From the Perspective of a Historian of Religions.” Dr. Kraatz, a historian…

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This Year’s English Class of Shuyoka

The 26th English class of Shuyoka (the three-month Spiritual Development Course) began in the Home of the Parent on April 1. This year, there are 13 participants: four from the U.S.A., three from Nepal, two from the Philippines, two from Kenya, one from Thailand, and one from Malaysia. Shuyoka offers…

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Students’ Spring Pilgrimage to Jiba

On March 28, a total of 4,522 high school and college students gathered in the Home of the Parent to participate in the Students’ Spring Pilgrimage to Jiba, sponsored by Tenrikyo Students Association with the support of Student Advisory Committee. The convention started at nine o’clock in the Inner Courtyard.…

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March Monthly Service Performed

On March 26, Tenrikyo Church Headquarters conducted the March Monthly Service, comprising the Kagura and the Dance with Hand Movements, in the Main Sanctuary, with many followers joining together in joyously singing the songs for the Service. That morning, it was 8°C and occasionally rainy in the Home of the…

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