Children from Overseas Participate in Oyasato Junior Gathering

Sponsored by the Overseas Department, the third Oyasato Junior Gathering was held in the Home of the Parent from April 20 to 21, drawing 55 participants including children and their adult leaders from four overseas countries–namely, Thailand, the Philippines, Australia, and the United States. This gathering was initially launched in 1996–the year of the 110th Anniversary of Oyasama–to provide the opportunity to experience something of the Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba for overseas children who were not able to return to Jiba during its duration due to various reasons. The second gathering was held eight years ago in the year of Oyasama’s 200th Birthday.

This year’s gathering included a variety of programs such as the practice of the dance and musical instruments for the service, corridor-cleaning hinokishin, and entertainment activities provided by staff members of the Overseas Department and the Boys and Girls Association Headquarters. Participants also enjoyed curry rice, the specialty of the Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba.

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