New Head Ministers Assemble at the Home of the Parent

The 52nd Meeting for Newly Appointed Church Head Ministers took place on November 27 and 28 at the Home of the Parent, drawing 265 head ministers appointed between May and October this year, as well as their spouses. This biannual meeting provides new head ministers and their spouses with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the attitude they should maintain in their role as church leaders.

The first day featured an address by Mission Department Head Kazuo Nagao. He stressed that, while the mind has a way of being led astray by various things, one can decisively return the mind to being single-hearted with God by acting on the sure guidance provided by the Shinbashira during each appropriate season. “Therefore,” said Rev. Nagao, “let us bear the Shinbashira’s message in mind and work hard in a manner befitting the present season.” The participants later attended discussions and listened to a lecture on the tasks of working with Yoboku and of training and nurturing younger followers for the future of the path.

In the address he delivered the next day to conclude this meeting, Director-in-Chief of Administrative Affairs Masahiko Iburi assured the head ministers and their spouses that every action they perform—however small it might seem—becomes a contribution to world salvation so long as it emanates from their wish to make repayment for the blessings they receive from God the Parent and Oyasama. He told his listeners that the truth of the Jiba flows forth through their churches because Church Headquarters and local churches are connected as “a single breath” and that Oyasama is working through all their churches. Rev. Iburi emphasized that head ministers, who are entrusted with looking after their churches, play a vital role in helping their followers stay connected with Oyasama and that head ministers ought to be the first to implement true sincerity, for their state of mind determines whether or not a unity of mind can come about in their churches.

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