New Publication: Tale of Oyasama, vol. 1

Tale of Oyasama, vol. 1, has recently been published by Tenrikyo Doyusha Publishing Company. This book presents an English translation of Part One of Gekiga Oyasama monogatari, newly revised edition (aidoku shinso ban), published in Japanese in 2008. Preview Available Here!! Gekiga Oyasama monogatari is a manga rendition of The…

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The Shinbashira Addresses the New Year’s Meeting

The New Year’s meeting of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was held in the Assembly Hall following the evening service on January 4. The meeting was attended by 698 participants, including resident staff members of Church Headquarters, head ministers of directly supervised churches, superintendents of dioceses, members of the Assembly, committee members…

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New Year’s Day Service Performed

On January 1, the New Year’s Day Service for the 179th year of the Teaching (2016) was duly performed at 5:00 a.m. at the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. The followers who gathered at the Main Sanctuary before daybreak to attend the first Service of the…

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Sermons and Addresses by the Shinbashira 2006–2015

Sermons and Addresses by the Shinbashira 2006–2015 was published in January this year by Tenrikyo Overseas Department. The following is an extract from the foreword, written by this department’s Translation Section: This book is a collection of all our published English translations of the Shinbashira’s sermons and addresses spanning the…

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Overseas Department Organizes Gathering for Overseas Followers

The Oyasama 130th Anniversary Overseas Followers Gathering—sponsored by the Overseas Department—was held at South Left Wing 3 of the Oyasato-yakata building-complex on January 24 under the theme “Let Us Keep Our Minds Connected with Oyasama,” drawing some 500 followers from overseas. The gathering was designed to provide overseas followers with…

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