Daisuke Nakayama Named the Successor-designate to the Shinbashira

On October 24, Daisuke Nakayama was named the successor-designate to the Shinbashira unanimously at a meeting of Honbu-in (Church Headquarters executive staff members). On the 26th, after the Autumn Grand Service, Director-in-Chief of Religious Affairs Hiroaki Yamazawa made an announcement regarding the decision to the officials of Church Headquarters, head…

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Tenri University Concludes Academic Exchange Agreement with Hanoi University

On August 30, Tenri University signed a new academic exchange agreement with Hanoi University in Vietnam. Hanoi University–previously known as Hanoi University of Foreign Studies, which was founded in 1959–is one of the prestigious national universities in Vietnam. The university has 18 faculties and departments and has been acclaimed in…

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Autumn Grand Service 2013

The Autumn Grand Service was performed in the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant on October 26, commemorating the day of the founding of the Teaching in 1838 when Oyasama was settled as the Shrine of Tsukihi through the divine revelation in which God said, “At this…

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Tenrikyo Presents Vision of Peace at International Meeting for Peace in Rome

Seven delegates from Tenrikyo attended the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace held in Rome, Italy, from September 29 to October 1. Organized by the Community of Sant’Egidio—a lay Catholic group headquartered in Rome—and the Diocese of Rome, the meeting drew religious leaders and government officials from many parts of…

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This Month’s Message: Freedom from Worry

When bestowing the Grant of Safe Childbirth on a pregnant woman, Oyasama once said: “You must forget all human concern. Rely on God the Parent and have a delivery free from worry.” The Life of Oyasama, p. 29 Let’s say a friend is standing behind us and telling us: “Let…

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