Tenri High School’s Boys Judo Team

Tenri High School’s boys judo team won the team competition at the National High School Athletic Meet this summer for the first time in 27 years which, marks their 14th title overall. To celebrate the achievement, a reception was jointly organized by the team’s alumni association and Tenri Judo Association…

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The 7th Colombia Seminar Held

Between September 3 and 8, the Mission Center in Colombia held the 7th Colombia Seminar with 16 participants including some from the neighboring country of Panama. The seminar—which started three years ago to expand and enhance the center’s nurturing program, which had previously comprised Tenrikyo Introduction Course and One Day…

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Tenrikyo Nioigake Day 2018

Fragrance of the Teachings Sprinkled around the Country This year’s Tenrikyo Nioigake Day, which was observed between September 28 and 30, was organized under the same theme as in previous years: “The day for Yoboku to be active.” As for the Roadside Speech Day—part of the Nioigake Day event, which…

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September 2018 Monthly Service

The September Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary. On behalf of the Shinbashira, Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama served as chief officiant. In the Service prayer, he said: “September is the month that has been designated for special efforts focused on sprinkling the…

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Nepal Renrakusho Relocates

On September 15, Nepal Renrakusho held the monthly service in commemoration of its relocation to new premises and the completion of its new sanctuary in the presence of Rev. Zenkichi Tanaka, head of the Overseas Department. A total of 120 followers were in attendance. The decision to relocate to the…

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