September 2022 Monthly Service

The September Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary, with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. In the Service prayer, Rev. Nakayama first expressed gratitude to God the Parent for becoming openly revealed by settling Oyasama…

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Insights into the Anecdotes: Chuzaburo Koda (1828–1903), Anecdote 144 “The Virtue Which Reaches Heaven”

The Anecdote (Summary) Oyasama was detained in Nara Prison from March 24 through April 5, 1884. Chuzaburo Koda, arrested alongside Oyasama, was kept in custody for ten days. While imprisoned, Chuzaburo was ordered by a jailor to clean the toilets. When he came back to Oyasama after he had finished…

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August 2022 Monthly Service

The August Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary, with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. In the Service prayer, Rev. Nakayama first expressed gratitude to God the Parent for having been guiding us toward the…

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2022 Children’s Hinokishin for Summer Vacation

Tenrikyo Boys and Girls Association Headquarters (chaired by Isaku Nishida) recently promoted the “Children’s Hinokishin for Summer Vacation” program, aimed at helping the association members at regional churches, in local communities, and at home to have a sense of gratitude for the blessing of health and to proactively engage in…

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The Home of the Parent Hosts “Fife and Drum Bands’ Dedicatory Performance” and “Fife and Drum Bands on Parade”

The Boys and Girls Association Headquarters held two special events, the “Fife and Drum Bands’ Dedicatory Performance” and the “Fife and Drum Bands on Parade,” on July 30 and 31 to show God the Parent and Oyasama the accomplishments association members had attained and to further enrich the fife and…

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