This Month’s Message: Measure of Heaven

“Even the things that are considered to be straight by all the people of the world are warped when they are placed against the measure of heaven.” Anecdotes of Oyasama, no. 31, “The Measure of Heaven” Someone looks out of a triangular window and declares, “The world is triangular.” Hearing…

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The Shinbashira Visits Disaster-Stricken Dioceses

Between April 6 and 8, the Shinbashira, Zenji Nakayama, went to Iwate and Miyagi prefectures, where he visited churches and mission stations that had been affected by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami and gave encouragement to Tenrikyo members who were participating in relief and recovery activities. At 9:00 a.m.…

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CNN Blog Highlights Tenrikyo’s Postquake Relief Activities

On March 22, CNN—a U.S.-based international broadcasting company—posted on its “Belief” blog an article entitled “Japanese New Religions’ Big Role in Disaster Response.” This article—which covers relief activities conducted by Japanese New Religions in the areas stricken by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake—sheds light on relief work carried out by…

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