Spring Grand Service 2018

On January 26, the Spring Grand Service commemorating the day when Oyasama withdrew from physical life—namely, the lunar calendar date of January 26, 1887—was performed in the Main Sanctuary of Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant.

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Tenrikyo’s Way of Thinking and Living: Scriptures, the Standard for Our Faith

The teachings of Tenrikyo are based on God the Parent’s revelations contained in the Ofudesaki, the Mikagura-uta, and the Osashizu, which are collectively called the “Three Scriptures.” The Ofudesaki, The Tip of the Writing Brush, was written in Oyasama’s own handwriting between 1869 and 1882. It is comprised of 1,711…

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New Year’s Address by the Shinbashira (2018)

The Shinbashira delivered his New Year’s address at the New Year’s meeting of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters conducted in the Assembly Hall following the evening service on January 4. The meeting was attended by 681 participants, including resident staff members of Church Headquarters, head ministers of directly supervised churches, superintendents of…

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