Season’s Greetings from the Shinbashira

May I extend my warmest Season’s Greetings to all of you. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for the efforts you devoted to the work of single-hearted salvation in your respective roles and positions during the past year. Throughout last year, we focused our efforts on nurturing…

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December 2017 Monthly Service

The December Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. Reflecting upon this year, the Shinbashira, in his prayer, expressed his appreciation for God the Parentʼs profound loving care and warm parental heart and said: “In…

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Nearly 3,500 Attend Besseki Lectures in Five Days

In 2015—the concluding year of the “three years, one thousand days” season that led up to the 130th Anniversary of Oyasama observed on January 26, 2016—many directly supervised churches and church affiliation-based groups organized Besseki pilgrimages one after another. Building on that momentum, those churches have been organizing group pilgrimages…

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Tenrikyo’s Way of Thinking and Living: Establishment and Classification of Churches

Around the time when Oyasama withdrew from physical life in 1887, the government’s interference that Tenrikyo faced was so severe that followers could not establish churches. In the following year, 1888, they eventually obtained official approval for the establishment of a Church Headquarters in Tokyo and, soon after that, the…

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