Path Leaders Rallies Successfully Completed

The Oyasama 120th Anniversary Path Leaders Rallies, scheduled to take place between February and May, have been successfully concluded at all 106 venues, including eight overseas, drawing some 35,000 path leaders. The rallies, sponsored by Church Headquarters, were intended to ensure that church head ministers and their spouses as well…

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May Monthly Service Joyously Performed

The May Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed in the Main Sanctuary on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding. At nine o’clock in the morning, the Shinbashira, accompanied by other Service performers, worshiped at the Foundress’ Sanctuary and the Memorial Hall before proceeding to the Main Sanctuary, where…

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Tenrikyo Basics Course Held in Hokkaido

On May 2, Hokkaido Diocese sponsored Tenrikyo Basics Course with an attendance of 160 people. This was the first time the course had been held outside Jiba. The Basics Course was launched in April 2003 at the Home of the Parent as part of a new instructional system being implemented…

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April Monthly Service Joyously Performed

The April Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted in the Main Sanctuary on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding. The blue sky stretching above the Home of the Parent contrasted sharply with the fresh greenery of the mountains to the east. The Shinbashira, accompanied by the other Service…

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