2004 Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba Held

The annual Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba was held between July 26 and August 4 under the theme “Gratitude, Joy, hinokishin.” During this 10-day period, more than 270,000 children and adult leaders, including 743 from 12 overseas countries, returned to the Home of the Parent to enjoy a wide variety of…

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2004 Oyasato Seminar Begins

The 2004 Oyasato Seminar–which aims at nurturing high-school-age overseas followers–began on July 10 at the Home of the Parent with 65 students from 13 countries and territories: the U.S. mainland, Hawaii, Canada, the U.K., Australia, Hong Kong, Nepal, Spain, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay, and Taiwan. The seminar comprises the English…

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Jesuits Visit the Home of the Parent

On June 25, a group of Jesuit priests and scholars visited the Home of the Parent. During their four-day stay, the six visitors observed the Monthly Service conducted at Tenrikyo Church Headquarters on June 26, visited Tenri Central Library and Tenri Sankokan Museum, and attended a conference held in Doyusha…

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Hinokishin School Holds the 23rd Juvenile Problems Course

The 23rd Juvenile Problems Course–one of the specialized courses organized by Hinokishin School of the Mission Department of Church Headquarters–was held at the Home of the Parent between June 26 and 28, drawing 22 participants who had previously graduated from the basic course. Seeking to provide followers with an opportunity…

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June Monthly Service Joyfully Performed

The June Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed in the Main Sanctuary on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding. At 9:00 in the morning, amid the elegant sounds of gagaku music, which resounded throughout the Sanctuary precincts, the Shinbashira and other Service performers began their procession toward the…

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