June Monthly Service Performed

The June Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was solemnly conducted on the 26th at the Main Sanctuary with the Shinbashira presiding. The day was hot and humid with the temperature rising to 29.0ºC (84.2ºF) at 66% humidity. In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira touched upon the Head Ministers Seminar…

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Cancer Shrinks in the Face of Gratitude

This is a translation of an article written by Shigeo Okazaki, former head minister of Motowanishi Branch Church, for Tenri Jiho newspaper’s column entitled “The Ofudesaki, My Companion along the Way.” If only the mind is purified completely, there will be nothing but delight in everything. Ofudesaki XIV:50 Tenrikyo is…

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