Today's Verse
In this cleansing, there shall be no discrimination between those within and the world. I shall manifest all of the mind of each of you. (XII:1-2)
Announcement: Cancellation of the 2020 Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba
As the novel coronavirus has been spreading worldwide, a nationwide state of emergency has been declared in Japan, and other countries are making all-out efforts to prevent the further spread of the virus. Around this time of year, we would ordinarily be inviting people to the Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba…
Announcement: Special Arrangements for April Monthly Service
In light of a nationwide state of emergency that has been declared due to the worsening situation of the spread of the new coronavirus in Japan, it has been decided that the April Monthly Service be attended only by the Service performers. We would like to ask the head ministers…
March 2020 Monthly Service
The March Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was performed on the 26th in the Main Sanctuary, with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. In line with Church Headquarters’ announcement made earlier in the month, the Service was attended only by the head ministers…
Announcement: Cancellation of the “Joyous Chorus”
In keeping with the measures taken by wider society to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, we have come to a decision to cancel the “Joyous Chorus,” which was scheduled to be held in the Inner Courtyard after the Oyasama Birth Celebration Service on April 18. We would like…
Announcement: Special Arrangements for the Oyasama Birth Celebration Service
Many countries in the world are now taking measures to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. In light of the current situation, it has been decided that the Oyasama Birth Celebration Service be attended only by the head ministers of directly supervised churches and the heads of dioceses, as in the case…
Message from Director-in-Chief of Religious Affairs
The novel coronavirus disease has now been declared a pandemic. To prevent the further spread of the virus, businesses and organizations are being urged to take strict measures such as avoiding large gatherings in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. In this connection, Church Headquarters has recently been asked by the…