February Monthly Service Performed

The February Monthly Service was performed in the Main Sanctuary of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding. On that day, a cold wave hit the Kansai region and the weather was icy cold. In the prayer preceding the performance of the Service, the Shinbashira said, “Today,…

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Graduation Ceremonies Held in Tenri

Tenri High School’s Day Course The graduation ceremony for Tenri High School’s Day Course was held in the school gymnasium on the morning of February 22. After presenting class representatives with diplomas for the 413 graduates (251 boys and 162 girls), Principal Kikuo Takemura told his students that they had…

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Spring Grand Service Performed

Tenrikyo Church Headquarters conducted the Spring Grand Service of the 163rd year of the Teaching on January 26 from 11:30 a.m. with the Shinbashira presiding. From this year, the commencement time of the Spring Grand Service was changed from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. so that the Service would end…

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New Year’s Day Service Performed

New Year’s Day marked the beginning of the 163rd year of the Teaching. In response to the resolutions made at last year’s ‘”District Lectures for Yoboku: Action and Progress.,” this new year is expected to be a momentous year in which all Yoboku will “take action” to implement the spirit…

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The Shinbashira Addresses New Year’s Meeting

Over the course of 1999, Tenrikyo undertook an organized endeavor to have all its followers acquire the spirit of the Shinbashira’s Instruction One, and the new year is seen as the season for each follower to translate that spirit into actual practice. This was reaffirmed at Church Headquarters’ annual New…

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