Spring Grand Service 2021

On January 26, the Spring Grand Service was conducted at Tenrikyo Church Headquarters with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama serving as chief officiant on behalf of the Shinbashira. The Grand Service commemorates the day when Oyasama withdrew from physical life—namely, the lunar calendar date of January 26, 1887. It was on that…

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The Shinbashira Delivers New Year’s Address

The Shinbashira, Zenji Nakayama, delivered his New Year’s address at the New Year’s meeting of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters conducted in Dining Hall 2 on January 4. The meeting was attended by 655 participants, including resident officials of Church Headquarters, head ministers of directly supervised churches, superintendents of dioceses, members of…

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Insights into the Anecdotes: Tamezo Yamazawa (1857–1936), Anecdote 90 “Deeper in the Second Generation than in the First”

The Anecdote (Summary)   When Tamezo Yamazawa began to serve Oyasama in about 1881, She instructed him in the following manner:   God says, “Showing innen [causality] to parents, God waits for children to appear.” Do you understand? Therefore, virtue is more deeply planted in the second generation than in…

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2021 New Year’s Day Service Performed

On January 1, the New Year’s Day Service for the 184th year of the Teaching (2021) was duly performed from 5:00 a.m. in the Main Sanctuary with Successor-Designate Daisuke Nakayama as chief officiant. Many followers who had gathered at the Home of the Parent before daybreak attended the first Service…

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Season’s Greetings from the Shinbashira

Happy New Year! I would like to thank you most sincerely for all the efforts you devoted last year to the work of the path through your respective roles and positions. We are all living in the embrace of God the Parent’s constant providence, which includes the body we borrow.…

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