August 2011 Monthly Service

The August Monthly Service of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted on the 26th, with the Shinbashira presiding. Shortly before 9:00 a.m., the Shinbashira left the Staff Quarters to proceed to the Main Sanctuary. On his way, he paid his respects at the Foundress’ Sanctuary and the Memorial Hall accompanied by…

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A Religious Studies Scholar’s View on Tenrikyo’s Disaster Relief Activities

As reported in April, CNN—a U.S.-based international broadcasting company—posted on its “Belief” blog an article covering relief activities conducted by Tenrikyo Disaster Relief Hinokishin Corps (TDRHC) as well as the teaching of hinokishin, which informs its relief activities. This article was contributed by Dr. Barbara Ambros, associate professor of Religions…

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Tenrikyo Church Headquarters Observes 10th Memorial Service for Former Shinbashira’s Wife

On August 15, the 10th memorial service for the late Mrs. Masa Nakayama—the former Shinbashira’s wife—was solemnly observed in the Memorial Hall with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. Attending the ceremony were members of the Nakayama family and their relatives, Church Headquarters’s staff members, head ministers of directly supervised…

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