April Monthly Service Performed

On April 26, the Monthly Service was conducted at the Main Sanctuary of Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. Shortly before 9:00 a.m., the Shinbashira and other Service performers left the Staff Quarters to pay their respects at the Foundress’ Sanctuary and the Memorial Hall before proceeding…

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Children from Overseas Participate in Oyasato Junior Spring Gathering

From April 20 to 21, Tenrikyo Overseas Department sponsored the fourth Oyasato Junior Spring Gathering in the Home of the Parent, drawing 27 participants including children and adult leaders from three countries—namely, Thailand, the Philippines, and Australia. This gathering was initially launched in 1996 to provide an opportunity to experience…

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Church Headquarters Announces New Personnel

Heads of Bureaus and Departments Heads of bureaus and departments and chiefs of sections were appointed on March 26 as follows: Office of the Shinbashira Head Tadao Tosa, Ritual Affairs Bureau Head Motoo Matsuda, Oyasato-yakata Management Bureau Head Tokiro Iwasa, Finance Bureau Head Hiroyoshi Shimamura, and Security Bureau Head Itaro…

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