2006 Oyasato Seminar Held in Four Languages

High-school-aged students from overseas returned to the Home of the Parent to attend the Oyasato Seminar, which began on July 10. This year, being the year of Oyasama’s 120th Anniversary, a record 85 students from 10 countries enrolled in the seminar. They are spending 18 days (16 days for the…

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Action Day for “Heart-Clean Campaign” Observed

On July 2, Action Day for the Heart-Clean Campaign was observed at 506 venues throughout Japan under the slogan “Let’s come together in thankfulness for the blessings and engage in hinokishin with fellow members,” and the Shinbashira, who serves as the president of Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association, paid a visit…

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June Monthly Service Performed

The June Monthly Service was performed in the Main Sanctuary of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters on the morning of the 26th. The Service began with the Shinbashira’s prayer in which he offered heartfelt thanks for the boundless providence through which God the Parent became openly revealed in the world in order…

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Tenri Forum 2006

From July 15 through 17, some 260 English-speaking followers from 19 countries attended “Tenri Forum 2006: New Frontiers in the Mission,” which was sponsored by Tenrikyo Overseas Department. One of the major events held in the Home of the Parent to mark the year of the 120th Anniversary of Oyasama,…

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Tenri Univ. Researcher Gives Public Lecture on “The Mind Alone Is the Truth of Oneself”

Tenri University’s Oyasato Institute for the Study of Religion is marking the year of the 120th Anniversary of Oyasama–formally observed on January 26–by presenting a public lecture series entitled “Tenrikyo’s Cosmology and Modern Society.” The fifth lecture in the series, which drew 127 people, was delivered on May 25 by…

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