New York Center Commemorates Completion of New Sanctuary and Installation of Fifth Minister

Tenrikyo Mission New York Center in Flushing, New York, held the monthly service in commemoration of the completion of its new sanctuary and the installation of the fifth minister, Rev. Toshihiko Okui, on December 7, 2008. Special guests present at the service included Rev. Yoichiro Miyamori, head of the Overseas…

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December Monthly Service Performed Joyously

The December Monthly Service was conducted in the Main Sanctuary of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters on December 26, 2008. Many followers returned to Jiba to attend the last Service of the year. In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira reflected on the 171st year of the Teaching. He said that it was…

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The Shinbashira Delivers New Year’s Address

The New Year’s meeting of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted in the Assembly Hall following the evening service on January 4. Attending this meeting, at which the Shinbashira delivered his New Year’s address, were 664 officials of Church Headquarters, head ministers of directly supervised churches, superintendents of dioceses, members of…

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Tenrikyo Participates in Interreligious Meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus

The 22nd International Meeting of Prayer for Peace, organized by the Rome-based Community of Sant’Egidio, was held in the eastern Mediterranean city of Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, from November 16 to 18. Attending the meeting were representatives of the world’s major faiths. Representing Tenrikyo, Director-in-Chief of Administrative Affairs Masahiko…

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November Monthly Service Performed

On the 26th, the November Monthly Service was conducted at Tenrikyo Church Headquarters with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. Blessed with clear skies, the day was comparatively warm for this time of the year. In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira first expressed gratitude for God the Parent’s constant blessings…

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