A Glossary of Tenrikyo Terms

A Glossary of Tenrikyo Terms presents English translations of some 330 articles selected from Kaitei Tenrikyo jiten (Revised Dictionary of Tenrikyo), a Japanese reference work compiled by Tenri University’s Oyasato Institute for the Study of Religion and published in 1997. The Glossary includes entries ranging from “joyous acceptance” and “path…

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Women Gather in Congo to Commemorate Women’s Association’s 100th Anniversary

On May 30, Women’s Association members in the Republic of the Congo got together at Congo Brazzaville Church to hold a gathering in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Women’s Association. Organized by the church’s Women’s Group—formed by local association members—the gathering drew 112 people. This past April, four…

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Tenri Yotokuin Children’s Home: 100th Anniversary Commemorated

On April 25, Tenri Yotokuin Children’s Home conducted a ceremony—honored by the presence of the Shinbashira and Women’s Association President Harue Nakayama—to commemorate its 100th anniversary with an attendance of 1,452 people concerned with social welfare. After opening remarks were made by Mr. Hiroshi­ Miyazaki, director of the children’s home,…

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April Monthly Service Joyously Performed

The April Monthly Service at Tenrikyo Church Headquarters was conducted at the Main Sanctuary on the 26th with the Shinbashira presiding. The Headquarters precincts were illuminated by the gentle sunlight shining from the clear spring sky. At 9:00 a.m., the Shinbashira and the other Service performers left the Staff Quarters…

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Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day Observed

This year’s Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day was observed at 1,500 locations throughout Japan on April 29, which is a national holiday called “Greenery Day,” as well as at scores of locations in overseas countries, mostly on weekends in April and May. While hinokishin refers to daily actions that express one’s gratitude…

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