Today's Verse
If your innermost heart accords with the mind of Tsukihi, I shall exert Myself in your favor forever. (XIII:98-99)
Announcement: Oyasato Lecture Series Newly Launched
On December 27, 2024, it was announced at the monthly meeting of the Kanamekai (association comprising the head ministers of all directly supervised churches) that the Oyasato Lecture Series would take place this year, the third and final year of the “three years, one thousand days” period leading up to…
Announcement: Oyasama’s 140th Anniversary To Be Conducted at 10:30 A.M. on January 26, 2026
The Shinbashira has announced that the Service for the 140th Anniversary of Oyasama will be performed from 10:30 A.M. on January 26, 2026 (Tenrikyo 189). He made the announcement in the Assembly Hall following the Spring Grand Service on the 26th, when he addressed members of Church Headquarters’s resident staff,…
Boys and Girls Association Activity Guidelines 2025
The Boys and Girls Association leaders’ first meeting of the year was held on January 27 at Dining Hall 2 in the Home of the Parent. Attending the meeting were heads of directly supervised chapters and diocese chapters as well as nurturing committee members from those chapters and district chapters.…
Young Men’s Association Activity Guideline 2025
On January 25, Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association held its monthly meeting at Yoki Hall. The meeting was attended by chapter chairmen from directly supervised churches and dioceses as well as members of the steering committee. This year, the association will continue to promote the same guideline as last year, “Purifying…
Women’s Association Activity Guidelines 2025
Tenrikyo Women’s Association hosted a seminar for the chairwomen of directly supervised chapters and diocese chapters at Moya 38 on January 27 and 28, 2025. The association announced that it will maintain the existing slogan for spiritual maturity as in previous years: “Let’s follow the Divine Model and become the…