Church Headquarters Announces New Personnel

New Directors-in-Chief Appointed Honbu-in Hiroaki Yamazawa, 60, and Honbu-in Yoshitaro Ueda, 64, received sanction as the Director-in-Chief of Religious Affairs and the Director-in-Chief of Administrative Affairs, respectively, on October 26. Both are serving in their first terms. Director-in-Chief Yamazawa was born on August 24, 1949, and received the truth of…

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Head Minister Qualification Course One to Be Revised

At a recent monthly meeting of the Kanamekai (an association comprising the head ministers of all directly supervised churches), Rev. Masahiko Iburi–then Director-in-Chief of Administrative Affairs–formally announced that the Head Minister Qualification Course One would be changed to the Minister Preparatory Course (tentative English title). This program revision, due to…

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Tenrikyo Delegates Attend International Meeting of Prayer for Peace

Four delegates of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters–including Rev. Masahiko Iburi, Director–in-Chief of Administrative Affairs–attended the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace held in Krakow, Poland, from September 6 to 8. Co-organized by the Community of Sant’Egidio–a group of lay Catholic members headquartered in Rome–and the Archbishop of Krakow, the meeting was…

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September Monthly Service Performed

On the 26th, Church Headquarters conducted its September Monthly Service in the Main Sanctuary, with the Shinbashira presiding as chief officiant. Although it was a hot day with the temperature rising to 28°C (82.4°F), a cool breeze occasionally swept through the Sanctuary precincts. In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira first…

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South Korean Professor Speaks on Century-long History of Tenrikyo’s Mission in Korea

Tenrikyo Overseas Department and Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in South Korea co-organized a lecture commemorating the mission headquarters’ 100th anniversary at Tenri University Furusato Assembly Hall on September 27. Invited as a guest speaker was Prof. Lee Won Bum, chair of the Department of Japanese Studies in the Graduate School at…

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Fragrance of the Teachings and Joy of Faith Sprinkled Widely throughout the Country

This year’s Tenrikyo Nioigake Day was observed between September 28 and 30, wrapping up the month that Tenrikyo Mission Department annually designates as the month to emphasize and promote nioigake, or sprinkling the fragrance of the teachings. This three-day period was designed to get all Yoboku to actively engage in…

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